Temporary Disconnection of Water Service


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Service Description
  • Service Code/Number: ADDC.42
  • Service Category: Account Management and Bills

A service to temporarily disconnect water service for the purpose of maintenance, amendment or any other purposes. The beneficiary categories of this service are residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural and Governmental.

Channels For Obtaining The Service

Traditional Channels

Service Centres
Contact Centre
Telephone Calls

Digital Channels

Required Documents
  1. Official letter from owner regarding water disconnection or re-connection addressed to Abu Dhabi Distribution Company indicating the required disconnection points and disconnection reasons along with the shop drawings attached.
  2. Competency certificate for the Operation & Maintenance Engineer approved by the ADDC.
Steps To Obtain The Service
  1. Submit application along with the required documents.
  2. Open application in the system.
  3. Create field activity to determine connection type.
  4. Create work order.
  5. Plan and implement disconnection (close valve).
  6. Close application.
Required Fees Free.
Relevance To Other Services
Categories Of Customers

Number Of Visits
e.g +9715xxxxxxxx