Suppliers and tenders


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Our suppliers

ADDC is a subsidiary Company of TAQA T&D. all TAQA T&D Group of Companies are using a centralize Commercial Directory. Please complete the Registration in the Commercial Directory to get business chances in the TAQA T&D Group of Companies (ADDC, AADC & TRANSCO).

If you would like to join the Commercial Directory.

The button below will direct you to the portal, where you'll need to click "Register New Company" to fill your application. In the portal e-registration guidelines will support you to finalize your application.


Open tenders

Register your company so you can place bids online through e-bidding system and view details of the projects that you've been invited to tender for.


Current tenders

ADDC is a fully owned by TAQA and we operate within the group's overall framework. The process for competitive tenders for ADDC projects is centralized for all TAQA T&D Group companies. If you're a registered supplier, and you've been invited to tender for a project, you can log in to our parent company's portal by clicking the link below.


If you're not yet registered

To register your company, you can apply by clicking the link below.


For more information email to or call the support team on 80023932.

e.g +9715xxxxxxxx